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Geneva Academy Scholarships For International Students 2024-2025

Geneva Academy Scholarships For International Students 2024-2025


The Geneva Academy stands as a beacon of hope for aspiring human rights defenders worldwide. In its commitment to fostering talent and overcoming financial barriers, the Academy offers a range of Geneva Academy Scholarships for individuals dedicated to pursuing careers in human rights, humanitarian aid, and the justice sector. These scholarships not only alleviate the burden of tuition fees but also provide crucial support for living expenses in Geneva, a city renowned for its commitment to international cooperation and human rights. Designed to eliminate financial barriers, these Geneva Academy Scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses in Geneva, providing an unparalleled opportunity for international students to pursue their master’s degree at the prestigious Geneva Academy in Switzerland.

Geneva Academy Scholarships Opportunities :

The Geneva Academy Scholarships Program for the academic year 2024/2025 presents an array of opportunities for passionate individuals eager to make a difference. Whether pursuing a Master of Laws (LLM) in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights or a Master of Advanced Studies (MTJ) in Transitional Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, recipients can expect more than just financial aid. With over 25 scholarships awarded annually, including both partial and full scholarships, aspiring advocates can embark on their educational journey with confidence, knowing that their financial limitations will not impede their pursuit of knowledge and impac

Level of StudyMasters
Institution(s)Geneva Academy
Study inSwitzerland
Courses Offered– International humanitarian law
– International human rights law
– International law
– International refugees’ law
– International criminal law
Program PeriodOne Year
DeadlineApplication start: November 27, 2024
Application end: February 24, 2025
Application end (with scholarship): January 26, 2025
Geneva Academy Scholarships For International Students 2024-2025

Tailored Learning Experience:

Students have the liberty to tailor their studies according to their specific interests, with core courses providing a robust foundation in public international law, IHL, IHRL, international refugee law, and international criminal law. Additionally, optional courses enable students to delve deeper into specialized topics such as the conduct of hostilities, enforced disappearances in international law, or the Islamic law of armed conflict.

Scholarship Coverage:

The Geneva Academy Scholarship offers two categories of support:

  1. Full Scholarship: Reserved exclusively for citizens of non-western countries, this comprehensive package covers tuition fees and living expenses in Geneva for a duration of ten months.
  2. Partial Scholarship: This option covers tuition fees and is available to all eligible applicants, except citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and Western Europe, who are ineligible for full scholarships.
Geneva Academy Scholarships For International Students 2024-2025

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the Geneva Academy Scholarships, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Proficiency in English, with a recognized test demonstrating a high standard of English proficiency, unless exempted based on specific criteria.
  • A full degree in law or equivalent, with a strong academic record and demonstrated interest in the program’s subject matter.
  • An active interest in public international law, evidenced through professional experience, internships, publications, or academic coursework.
  • Citizenship of any country worldwide.

Application Process:

The application process involves several steps:

  1. Decide whether to apply without a scholarship, with a full scholarship, or with a partial scholarship.
  2. Complete the online application form and attach the required documents, including a curriculum vitae, personal statement, letters of recommendation, certified copies of relevant degrees, language test scores, and proof of current income and family’s financial situation.
  3. Submit the application before the deadline.

Deadline :

Applications open on November 27, 2024, and close on February 24, 2025. For applicants seeking Geneva Academy Scholarships , the deadline is January 26, 2025. The online application portal will be accessible on the Geneva Academy’s website.

Exploring Additional Funding:

While the Geneva Academy Scholarship provides substantial support, applicants are encouraged to explore supplementary funding avenues to ensure comprehensive financial backing for their studies. These avenues may include government loans and scholarships, NGO and private foundation grants, loans from financial institutions, or employer support.

Additional Information:

Applicants are encouraged to thoroughly review the application requirements and ensure all necessary documents are provided. It’s crucial to note that the Geneva Academy does not have an attributed code for language tests, and applicants should refrain from using codes of other institutions.


The Geneva Academy Scholarships Program stands as a testament to the belief that financial limitations should not hinder the pursuit of human rights education and advocacy. By unlocking opportunities and fostering a diverse community of scholars, the Academy empowers individuals to become effective agents of change in the global fight for justice and equality. As the application portal opens on November 4, 2024, aspiring human rights advocates are encouraged to seize this opportunity and embark on a transformative educational journey at the Geneva Academy. Through this Geneva Academy Scholarships , the Geneva Academy aims to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute meaningfully to the global discourse on human rights and justice.


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Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and submit your application on time. Good luck!

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