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JASSO Scholarships

JASSO Scholarships for International Students in Japan

JASSO Scholarships for International Students in Japan Student Services Organization, operates under Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. It plays a crucial role in managing scholarship and loan programs, foreign student support initiatives, and student life services. JASSO is dedicated to fostering innovative leaders for the future and promoting international understanding through its various programs and services.

Types of JASSO scholarships

ASSO provides numerous scholarship initiatives to aid international students pursuing education in Japan. Here are the different kinds of scholarships offered by JASSO to support students studying in Japan-

1. Monbukagakusho honors scholarship for privately-financed international students

The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students, commonly referred to as the MEXT Honors Scholarship, is a program facilitated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). Its objective is to extend financial support to exceptional international students who are self-funded and aspire to undertake undergraduate or graduate studies in Japan.

2. Monbukagakusho honors scholarship for study in japan by students from developing countries

The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship is a prestigious initiative by the Japanese government aimed at exceptional students from developing nations. This scholarship offers financial backing for individuals to pursue undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral studies in Japan. It targets academically outstanding students from developing countries who require financial aid and is awarded based on recommendations from Japanese universities.

3. Monbukagakusho honors scholarship for international students

The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship, also referred to as the MEXT scholarship, is a prestigious initiative provided by the Japanese government for international students. Administered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in Japan, it aims to cultivate mutual understanding and friendly relations between Japan and other nations. This scholarship offers exceptional international students the chance to pursue higher education in Japan.

4. Monbukagakusho honors scholarship for self-supporting international students

The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship, commonly referred to as the MEXT scholarship, is a prestigious initiative extended by the Japanese government to international students. Administered by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, this scholarship program seeks to cultivate mutual understanding and amicable relations between Japan and other nations. It achieves this by offering exceptional international students the opportunity to pursue higher education in Japan.

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Who can apply for a JASSO scholarship?

JASSO, the Japan Student Services Organization, extends scholarships to international students aspiring to pursue studies in Japan. The eligibility requirements for JASSO scholarships can vary depending on the particular scholarship program.

However, in general, the following individuals may be eligible to apply-

  • JASSO scholarships are available to students from countries with diplomatic ties to Japan, including Palestine and Taiwan.
  • Eligible students include undergraduates, research students, exchange students, vocational school students, and those studying Japanese language.
  • Scholarships cover various academic levels, including undergraduate, research, and Japanese language studies.
  • Some scholarships are merit-based and awarded to students with excellent academic records.
  • JASSO aims to support international students studying in Japan across diverse educational programs and institutions.


The scholarship provides financial assistance to cover living expenses, tuition fees, and monthly stipends for recipients. The amount awarded may vary depending on the category of scholarship and the financial need of the recipient.

Application requirements

Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.30 and sustain this level throughout the scholarship period.

Language proficiency in Japanese or English is required, with options including JLPT N2 level or higher, EJU Japanese Language test, or equivalent recognized by JASSO for Japanese, and B2 level or above in CEFR for English.

Cooperation with academic career surveys conducted by ETIC after receiving the scholarship is mandatory.

Remittances must not exceed an average monthly amount of 90,000 yen, excluding entrance and tuition fees.

Annual income of dependents living in Japan must be below 5 million yen.

Applicants should not be receiving scholarships or other benefits that conflict with the JASSO scholarship.

They should not be receiving support under the JASSO Support Scholarships for Study in Japan.

Applicants must intend to enter a university or higher education institution the year following receipt of the scholarship (for Japanese language institutions only).


Apart from scholarships, JASSO provides a range of support services for international students in Japan, including help with finding accommodation, assistance in securing part-time employment, and opportunities for learning Japanese language skills.

Key takeaways

The JASSO scholarship is a program initiated by the Japanese government to support international students seeking education in Japan. Evaluation criteria include academic achievement, financial necessity, and other factors outlined in the JASSO scholarship application process. Recipients receive financial assistance to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational expenditures.

Q1. What benefits are available through the JASSO scholarship?

Ans: The JASSO scholarship offers financial aid to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and educational costs for international students. Additionally, it facilitates international exchange programs and provides support services for studying abroad.

Q2. Is it easy to get a Japanese scholarship?

Ans: Japanese scholarships are highly competitive, but opportunities exist for both students with and without a student visa. While having a student visa opens up more options, non-student visa holders can still apply for various scholarships.

Q3. How much is the JASSO scholarship?

Ans: The JASSO scholarship typically provides an average monthly remittance of 90,000 JPY or less, excluding entry fees, tuition, and other expenses.

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